Why is Velashape one of the best treatments for cellulite?

Though very common, cellulite is an undesired trait for most. Most people would trade the bumps and dimples and so-called “orange-peel skin” for smooth skin in a heartbeat. However, cellulite is notoriously stubborn and difficult to get rid of. Hours at the gym, dieting, and massage and you can still catch those dimples looking back at you in the mirror.

That’s why Velashape 3 cellulite treatment is such a goddess-send. Its body contouring treatment also offers circumferential and cellulite reduction, in short, pain-free sessions. If you look up Velashape Los Angeles, you’ll find our listing for Skinic. That’s because we aim to offer our clients the most cutting-edge treatments for the areas they need help with. For body contouring and cellulite, Velashape delivers.

What is cellulite?

We know what cellulite looks like and we know it’s something we don’t want. But what is cellulite?

Cellulite is the bumpy appearance on the skin, but did you know that if you pinch your skin in other areas where it doesn’t appear, you may see the same bumpy surface, which means you also have cellulite in that area, it just doesn’t appear on the surface without pinching. But what causes this bumpy texture?

Cellulite is caused by the fibrous cords that link the skin to the layers of fat under the skin and the muscle underneath the fat. In general, the more fat you have, the greater the tension on those cords which is what causes the bumpy surface appearance.

As women tend to have a higher fat index than men, they also tend to have more cellulite. The most common areas to see cellulite are the buttocks, thighs, and hips, areas where women tend to collect more fat in their bodies. You can also find cellulite on your arms, abdomen, and flanks. Weight gain, hormone changes, and pregnancy can all increase cellulite.

Though not a health risk, the tell-tale “cottage cheese” bumps associated with cellulite are generally undesired

What is Velashape 3?

Velashape 3 is an amazing body contouring cellulite treatment that zaps cellulite and gives your body the shape and curves in the places you want them.

When you get a Velashape treatment, the technician uses a hand-held device and rolls it over your skin. The device’s vacuum pulls the skin up, loosening the connective fibers that cause cellulite while massage rollers knead the skin and underlying fat to recontour your body. The device also uses infrared light and radiofrequency to target fat cells, causing them to shrink so you not only get cellulite reduction and contouring, you get circumference reduction as well.

What can I expect from a Velashape 3 treatment?

Velashape 3 is a non-invasive procedure that takes only 30 minutes per session. You can get as many sessions as you need to get your desired results and our trained technicians at Skinic can help evaluate your treatment plan based on your goals.

Some clients feel a warming sensation as the infrared light melts the fat cells. Depending on how sensitive your skin is, you may also experience some redness and minimal bruising which will go away in a short time.

As this is a quick, non-invasive treatment, there’s no downtime. Best of all, you’ll see results immediately after treatment.\

Who should get Velashape 3 treatments?

Anyone who wants to look their best as soon as possible without invasive surgery should book an appointment for a Velashape 3 treatment. The only contraindication is for people who use pacemakers as the radiofrequency may interfere with them. Women who are pregnant are also contraindicated for Velashape treatments but have been more than happy to receive them after giving birth to help take off the baby weight.

 The treatments are quick and painless and reduce fat and cellulite in all the areas we most want to get rid of it:

·  Thighs

·  Buttocks

·  Abdomen

·  Flanks (bye-bye love handles!)

·  Back

·  Arms

·  Neck

If you want to reduce fat and cellulite in these areas and have smoother skin, Velashape 3’s technology will give you the results you’re looking for with no downtime.

What are the main benefits of Velashape 3 treatments?

There are a lot of reasons why Velashape 3 is a great cellulite reduction treatment:

1. The body you want is in reach. Velashape’s technology is designed to eliminate fat and reduce the appearance of cellulite while also achieving amazing body contouring results.

2. The sessions are a mere 30-minutes, making them super convenient. You can do them on your lunch break or in between grocery shopping and a green juice date with a friend.

3. There’s no downtime. You can get great results, reduce fat and measurements and look incredible without having to undergo painful and risky surgery.

4. The results are immediate. You’ll see smoother skin right away and the fat and measurements reduction will start to show in just a day or two.

5. Your skin will look fabulous. Velashape 3 stimulates collagen production, giving you the tight, firm and supple skin that you may not have had in years.

How can I get the most out of my Velashape treatments?

It’s recommended not to eat a big meal before coming in for a treatment. Also, staying hydrated after a session helps as the lipids released when the fat cells are targeted and perforated can get flushed out by the body’s lymphatic system more quickly.

While Velashape treatments will give you a contoured body and reduce your measurements while smoothing out those cellulite bumps, it’s up to you to maintain a healthy and balanced diet and exercise plan to maintain these amazing results. If you put on weight, the fat and cellulite will come back. You can always get more Velashape treatments when you need them, but keeping a healthy lifestyle is what we’re all aiming for in the end, right?


Velashape 3 offers revolutionary technology that shapes your body, eliminates fat, and reduces the appearance of cellulite with no downtime. Contact us at Skinic to book our next available appointment or first time consultation.

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