What Causes Love Handles and How To Get Rid of Them?

It’s not anyone’s favorite topic in the world, but we’re here to address it: Love handles. This stubborn fat can be the nightmare that haunts the dressing room, but what if I told you there was a non-invasive and incredibly effective way to tackle this monster in your mid-area?

Yes, your favorite jeans can fit again! Science and technology are catching up to the body goals of the 21st century, and are only getting better. EmSculptNEO has been a revolutionary staple in cosmetic fat reduction, but with the latest Edge applicator, you could see even more rapid and dramatic results in those hard-to-target areas like love handles!

How effective is EmSculpt NEO With Edge Applicator?

EmSculpt is a traditional body contouring treatment that was created for muscle stimulation, using HIFEM technology to induce muscle contractions – think of this like a good workout. Worldwide, the EmSculpt body shaping technology has over 1 million treatments performed. The NEO in EmSculpt NEO incorporates fat reduction and skin tightening, ultimately developing a more comprehensive treatment.

The Edge applicator is the latest addition to this body sculpting technology. It employs a seek design that is more convenient and comfortable for the treatment process – especially for abdomen sessions.

What Makes The Edge Applicator Different From Other EmSculpt NEO Applicators?

The previous EmSculpt NEO could only do so much. In the abdomen for example, this new applicator nurtures the obliques while HIFEM technology and radiofrequency could only target the lateral abdomen. But, that’s all in the past! The new Edge applicator for EmSculpt NEO treatments can effectively target areas that were left underappreciated before – specifically the flanks and hips.

What Exactly Are Flanks and Love Handles?

Flanks, sometimes known as love handles, refer to the area on the sides and back of your abdomen, extending from your lower ribs to your hips. The flank itself is just a name for the body part, but the term ‘love handles’ gets more popular as extra fat accumulates in the area.

Why Is This Fat So Stubborn?

Love handles are nothing to be ashamed of – in fact these stubborn inches are just a byproduct of how the human body has learned to store excess fat effectively. The density and type of fat cell that you are targeting can make progress difficult to achieve with diet and exercise alone.

Fat in certain areas, such as the flanks and hips, can be more resistant to traditional methods of reduction because it is considered subcutaneous fat (fat under the skin). This is the body’s energy reserve, so it can be stubborn to lose for adults as the metabolic rate decreases and your body stores more of its intake for energy.

Non-Invasive and No Downtime

EmSculpt NEO is a non-invasive treatment. This means no needles, no cuts, no fuss! You can come in for a non-invasive body contouring treatment and then go about your normal day afterward. After you leave the office, you can go back to work, run errands, or even do a work out if you want!

How Often Will I Need EmSculpt NEO Treatment Sessions?

A provider can review your current body type and your goals to assess how many sessions you’ll want to consider and how often you’ll need to come in. Generally speaking, most people will need at least 4 sessions to see impactful results.

How Long Will It Take To See My Results?

Everybody is different, so body contouring results are also bound to be different. While results vary person to person, EmSculpt NEO results will be the most noticeable around 3 months after the last treatment.

Results 2 months after the last session

Check out more of our Before & After results

Does The New EmSculpt NEO Edge Applicator Hurt?

No! The new Edge applicator for EmSculpt NEO treatments does not hurt. You can expect a similar sensation to other EmSculpt applicators, and some people even describe the feeling as similar to a massage. As with any body contouring treatment, the discomfort level will vary. Many describe mild discomfort, including warmth and tingling in the target area, but not pain.

How Can I Speed Up My Love Handle Fat Loss Progress?

To compliment your EmSculpt NEO Edge treatments, consider the following tips:

  • Focus on diet: We’re not here to tell you to eat like a rabbit and count the calories of your morning coffee. Although, there are some relaxed tips you can keep in mind to enhance your treatment progress. Remember: high protein, high fiber, low added sugar.
  • Keep moving: Fat storage increases when we move less because the body is preparing for an almost hibernation-like period. To combat this, stay active. You don’t need to strain yourself or even get a heavy sweat going, but simple movements can make a difference.
  • Less stress: Understandably, this is easier said than done. However, if you can find an outlet for your stress, your body will thank you. When we stress, the body increases hormone production like cortisol and insulin, which can help respond to the overwhelming feelings but will also promote fat storage.
  • Stay hydrated: This is essential to see the results of any body contouring treatment. Proper hydration promotes healthy blood circulation and supports lymphatic drainage among other things. A dehydrated body may not respond to the strategic muscle stimulation and skin tightening effects.
  • Don’t neglect a good night’s sleep: A lack of sleep will create a hormone disruption in the body, and this is ultimately one of the most undervalued causes of excess fat storage. A habit of neglecting a proper night’s sleep will also throw off your circadian rhythm. This will have effects on your metabolism and appetite.

Today is the day! If you’ve been interested in body sculpting services, there’s never been a better time. With the new and innovative Edge applicator for EmSculpt NEO treatments, cosmetic fat loss and muscle toning treatments have never been so advanced. In 3 months, you could have reduced love handles and the appearance of tighter skin. To schedule a consultation with the premier EmSculpt NEO provider in LA and Beverly Hills, contact us now to book your first session!

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